Michigan Vascular Access News
Fistula of the Month
February 2005
This transposed basilic fistula is only three weeks old and the incision is
still healing but the fistula itself is usable. The basilic vein is the largest vein in
the arm, and frequently does not need further time to grow to a usable size.
The natural tissues also heal quickly. We have cleared basilic fistulas
for use within ten days from creation when necessary.
If you have a candidate for " Fistula of the Month ," please send a photograph and signed release for use to
Michigan Vascular Access, PO Box 510444, Livonia, MI, 48151, or e-mail to MichVascAccess@aol.com.
Names will not be published, but if requested the Dialysis unit or Nephrologist can be credited,
and the patient will be sent a voucher for dinner for two.